Fall has finally arrived and we can already see leaves falling from the trees in our years, neighborhoods, and communities. Caring for your trees during the fall is important, as many of them will be going through visible changes as the weather gets colder. Here are some helpful tree care tips for caring for your trees this season:

3 Important Tree Care Tips for Fall
One of the best tree care tips to keep your trees healthy is to apply fertilizer in the fall to protect them from winter damage. Trees in natural forests have an environment that provides them with nutrients and healthy soil, but the trees in your yard are not always so fortunate. Trees that live in suburban and urban areas face high-stress conditions live construction, compaction, low moisture availability, and physical damage. Let your trees reach their full landscape potential and make sure to fertilize throughout the seasons.
Rake Regularly
If you have trees on your property that have an abundance of leaves, don’t wait until all of the leaves have fallen to start raking. Not only will it be a weekend-long project that you have to spend hours upon hours attending to, but when you leave them to sit on your lawn, they trap moisture between themselves and the ground, providing the perfect environment for fungus and mildew to grow. When these growths spread, they can infect your trees and spread disease to other plant life in your yard.
Water When It’s Dry
Although we get both dry and wet days of cold during Maryland’s fall season, it’s important to note lengthened periods of dryness and give your trees the nourishment and hydration they have been going without. Focus on the root zone, as wetting the foliage is often pointless and can promote the spreading of diseases. Watering in the morning rather than the evening is also a better practice, as it prevents evaporation and will keep your trees hydrated on the sporadically warm days of fall.
Concerned About Your Trees’ Health?
If you notice any weak or dying trees in your yard, give Nelson Tree Specialists a call today. We are experts in tree maintenance and removal and can provide you with the solutions you need to ensure your home, family, and landscape are safe from weak or diseased trees. Reach out to learn more about how we can help!