Weather isn’t the only thing that can harm your trees, these Maryland Tree Pests can be extremely damaging. There are plenty of insects and other pests that are prevalent in our state that can cause damage to the trees and plant-life on your property. Let’s take a look at some of the most common culprits:

Maryland Tree Pests
Aphids – These insects feed on tree sap and are among the most destructive of all tree insects. Also known as ‘plant lice’, aphids target Spruce, Crape Myrtles, Ash, Fir, and Cedar trees. If your trees have been damaged by aphids, you’ll notice drooping leaves, yellow spots, and sooty mold.
Eastern Tent Caterpillars – Mostly targeting Willows, Poplars, Maples, Cherry, and Crabapple trees, these bugs are a fuzzy, colorful, and social species of tree insects. They are known to create communal nests among the branches of trees that look like thick spiderwebs. The insects and their nests can easily defoliate trees and bushes.
Gypsy Moths – A known pest of Oak trees, gypsy moths will also feed on Apple, Birch, Hawthorn, Willow, and Blue Spruce trees in Maryland. As young caterpillars, they chew holes into leaves and can cause severe damage to residential trees.
Spider Mites – Among the smallest of tree pests is the spider mite, measuring less than 1/20” long when fully grown. Their rapid reproduction rates lead and tiny size allow them to destroy Boxwoods, Cypress, Juniper, and Boxwood trees before homeowners even notice their presence.
Bag Worms – You’ve likely seen the unsightly brown ‘bags’ that these insects build on fir, pine, and spruce trees. This species of caterpillar is native to the Eastern United States. Their excessive feeding habits enable them to defoliate trees and strip away large amounts of leaves and needles from Maryland trees.
Japanese Beetles – These insects feed on over 200 species of plants and are a major tree and landscape pest in our state. The beetles feed on leaves and roots which leads to defoliation of the trees they inhabit. Unfortunately, pesticides have proven relatively unsuccessful in fully removing these bugs from trees.
Cicadas – The egg-laying habits of female cicadas are the main cause of the damage they cause to Maryland trees. They lay their eggs in the bark of twigs, which often causes the twigs to die. Additionally, newborn cicadas drop from tree branches as they hatch and enter the soil, feeding on tree and plant roots.
Have your trees been affected by any of these Maryland pests? At Nelson Tree Specialist, we are certified arborists and tree removal experts dedicated to keeping your trees healthy and property beautiful. Contact us to schedule tree removal or maintenance today!