If you have an old tree stump on your property, it is very important that you have it removed as soon as possible, by a professional.
If you have an old tree stump on your property, it is very important that you have it removed as soon as possible, by a professional. As part of your regular summer maintenance, you might have removed a tree from your property. Why is proper tree stump removal so important?
Reduce the Risk of Accidents
Think of how many times you trip over a cable or cord in your home, even though you know it’s there. Now, think of how many times you and your family will trip over the tree stump in your yard, even though you know it’s there. Old stumps can cause children and adults to trip and get majorly injured, depending on its size and how fast they were moving. Even worse, you can totally ruin your lawnmower if you aren’t paying attention and don’t see the tree stump, running over it and wrecking your blade.
Keeping Your Landscape Beautiful
Regardless of the condition of the rest of the landscaping on your property, an old tree stump can really take away from its appearance. Perfectly manicured grass and lush, colorful flowers are markedly less pretty when there’s a nasty old tree stump in the way. Even if you aren’t planning to put your home on the market anytime soon, removing the tree stump from your yard can help to boost your curb appeal.
Don’t Give Bugs a Place to Stay
A tree stump makes a great “house” for all sorts of lawn pests. Termites could set up residence in the stump, and then it’s only a matter of time before they find your home. Other insects may not be as destructive, but they can be super annoying!
Tree Care for Every Tree from Nelson Tree Specialist
Nelson Tree Specialist provides specialty arborist services, tree crane services, tree care services, and dead tree removal services. We are well known for our top-notch skills and professionalism. We are members of the International Society of Arboriculture and we are considered certified arborists. We are also an accredited business through the Better Business Bureau and we have great reviews through Angie’s List. To find out how we can help your trees, whether they are exotic and strange or normal and plan, give us a call at (301) 854-2218 (Washington, D.C.) or (202) 909-5662 (Baltimore) or visit us online. For more interesting tree facts and tips, follow us on social media on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.