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Winter Landscaping

Spring is the busy season for landscaperstree services, and DIYers alike. But why not use the downtime that winter provides and lay the foundation for seasons to come. Just because it’s snowing and the weather is drab does not mean your winter landscaping has to be. In fact, winter landscaping is sometimes a downright necessity.

Get Ready for Snow

Routine Care

Even though it’s cold, that doesn’t mean your plants don’t get thirsty. Remember to water your plants even during the winter. 

Also, covering your plants during the harshest months will give them shelter against ice and blistering wind. You can use plastic bags for this, but they are not permeable enough to allow for sufficient airflow which could lead to fungus or rot. Instead use something like burlap – it is sturdy enough to stand up to the elements and breathable enough to allow for proper airflow.

Prune and Thin

What look like strong, flexible limbs during the summer can quickly turn to weak, brittle limbs in the winter. When a limb becomes encased and ice covered and snow, it can snap or split under the added weight and pressure. Before winter gets on, make sure you examine and assess your trees for any limbs that can be cleared out. 

Not just deadwood, but any places that look to be growing too densely also. Not only can too much growth stop airflow and encourage rot and fungus, during the winter it can accumulate a lot more snow. The more snow your tree collects, the more likely it is to become damaged. 

It’s important to have a professional carryout the assessment to ensure the correct limbs are targeted for pruning. It’s also important to have a professional, like Nelson Tree Specialist, take care of the pruning. Some jobs can be more dangerous than they look, and we have the experience and expertise to get it done safely. 

Watch the Salt

Ice melt salt is great when dealing with ice on pavement, but it can cause some real problems for your plants. When the snow and ice melt and dissolve the salt, it will soak into the soil. From there, your plants and grass will absorb the salt into their roots. This is a really great way to kill your plants and to off-balance the pH levels in your soil, making sure nothing grows in that spot again. Only use ice melt when you have to and do so sparingly near grass or landscaping. 

What to Plant in Winter

Winter landscaping doesn’t have to just be trees with no leaves. There are a few options to spruce up your yard even in the colder months


Evergreens live up to their name. Staying green all year ‘round, evergreens will add some needed variety to your winter landscape. Not only will they add color and texture to your yard, but they provide much needed shelter to critters during the winter. Cardinals love nesting in evergreens while using the limbs as shelter.


Trees like crabapples and holly hold their fruit in the winter. Crabapple fruit starts off a bright red and slowly darkens to a maroon. Holly plants not only hold their bright red berries through the winter, but also their leaves. When winter goes and the robins come back, they chow down on these berries.


You might be surprised to find out that landscaping isn’t just about plants entries. Landscape refers to the entire view, so yes you are yard, but also your house, walkways, and any other structure on your property. While your plants go dormant for the winter, you can kick into high gear and get some of those hardscaping projects underway. Install a new deck, erect a shed, repave your porch. Any updates to your existing landscape will add instant curb appeal.

Nelson Tree Specialist can do your Winter Landscaping

The moral of the story is, you don’t have to wait until spring to pay attention to your yard. There is plenty you can do, and even some things you should do. Nelson Tree Specialist can take care of any tree care, pruning, or dead tree removal. Get in touch to schedule some time.

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