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Earth Day 2020: Caring for the Trees

The world will be observing its 50th Earth Day next week on on April 22, 2020. Learn more about this world-wide holiday and why trees are such a big part of protecting Earth’s environment.

The Purpose of Earth Day

Many of us originally learned of and got to celebrate the holiday in elementary or middle school, but as a refresher, Earth Day began in 1970 as a day for people to come together in supporting the protection of our planet’s environment. Just two decades after it was first celebrated, Earth Day became a global movement that continues to rally the people of the world to be environmentally-conscious and kind to our planet.

Why Trees are Important to the Earth Day Movement

Trees provide numerous benefits to the environment and to individual communities. They help cool down the temperatures in cities, clean the air of pollutants, reduce water pollution, provide additional oxygen, and much more. With urban development consistently on the rise, it is becoming increasingly important to not just plant new trees, but care for the living trees that exist on our planet today. As Earth’s longest-living organism, trees are vital to the health and wellness of all who live among them.

How to Celebrate Earth Day in 2020

Not sure how to observe Earth Day this year? Here are some helpful ideas:

Our Favorite Quotes About Trees

Trees have long been used to symbolize longevity, growth, and the health of planet earth. Take a look at some of our most loved quotes about one of our planet’s greatest life forms:

There is nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend.

Bob Ross

The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.

Nelson Henderson

To be without trees would, in the most literal way, to be without our roots.

Richard Mabey

The planting of a tree, especially one of the long-living hardwood trees, is a gift which you can make a posterity at almost no cost and with almost no trouble, and if the tree takes root it will far outlive the visible effect of any of your other actions, good or evil.

George Orwell

Get Your Trees Expert Care this Earth Day

As a certified arborist, Nelson Tree Specialist understands the importance of caring for and maintaining the trees in our community and throughout the world. If you’re looking for professional tree maintenance, dead tree removal, or specialty tree care services in Maryland, contact us today.

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